19 Apr

Logistics Services for Mines – Catering

The mining industry is one of the most lucrative and highest paying industries in Australia. But it is also one of the most exhausting and demanding out there, too.

It’s no surprise that mines also include catering services. After all, the average workday for a miner is 12 hours a day. Sometimes this can be even more. There’s also no guarantee that they will be working 5-days-a-week work schedules.

With all that drained energy and tiredness that comes from such a demanding career, catering companies are typically a saving grace for those workers who just want some food to give them a boost or are starving after an understandably intense day.

Because of the high number of miners that can be working at any one time, the stock demands for catering companies can be massive, and they often times need to rely on external logistic companies to transport the food to the mines.

Cannon Logistics services western Qld mining sites and gets the fruit and vegetables and meat products to these sites on time and in good condition. We can assist in the delivery of foods and other goods required by catering companies that are working at mines.

If you would like to enquire about our services, please call us on (07) 3396 8833 or contact us via our website.

* Image source: Suat Eman / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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19 Trade St Lytton Between 6:30am and 12pm
PO BOX 475 Cannon Hill Q 4170


P: +61 7 3396 1911
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E: info@cannonlogistics.com.au


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