28 Jun

Mining Town Logistics: How We Can Help

Mining – it’s a primary industry and with our minerals being in demand worldwide it’s no wonder it’s a large contributor to the Australian economy. We see mining towns pop up all over the country and also leave areas too. There is a lot that goes into these towns – but how do these towns set up so quickly? In this post, we wanted to take a closer look at mining town logistics and how they can function independently from other more established towns.

Location and Accessibility

Equipment, fuel, supplies and personnel must be transported to the site, and withdrawn when the project is complete. As every situation is different, important consideration and cost-analysis must be given to how mining companies will move gear, supplies and people to and from their project site.


How mining companies feed and shelter the people who are part of a project largely depends upon the nature of the people involved, how dangerous or uncomfortable the environment is, how long it takes to get there from a more established town and how long the mining project will last. One of the first things a to-be mining town needs to engage are companies that set up dwellings. For example, mobile camps. These are fully-efficient camp solutions designed specifically for rapid deployment in rural and regional locations. Trailers can come in a variety of configurations such as kitchen and dining hall trailers, utility units, mobile sewerage treatment plants and generator and operational units.

Feeding the masses

Caterers also need to be engaged to feed the miners. But how do they get their food and produce? With the help of logistic companies, of course. We help move goods and equipment to and from the mining areas. At Cannon Logistics, we provide services to many regional areas throughout Queensland where mines currently run and we specialise in refrigerated and general food freight. If you are looking for a logistics company to help move large quantities of food and produce to a mining town, Cannon Logistics can help.

Medical and/or emergency support

When setting up a mining program, the would be towns need to establish how and where personnel are going to receive medical care if they need it, and also emergency support if there is any kind of serious problem. A lot depends upon how inaccessible the project site is. When there are towns nearby, you can sometimes find some local medical assistance for matters that are not of a serious nature. Alternatively, these towns need to engage an emergency-evacuation service from a larger town or city that will send a helicopter or small plane to recover someone who needs emergency medical care.

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