23 Nov

National Reforms to Fatigue Management Regulations

Australian Logistics Council (ALC) says that Governments must expand on the recent decision to harmonise fatigue management laws by reforming a host of other cross-border inconsistencies.

Victoria and South Australia recently adopted the same time counting system used in NSW and Queensland, insisting it will reduce industry confusion and prevent drivers from being hit with work hour breaches.

The change took effect in Victoria on November 8, with South Australia implementing the new time counting rule on November 10.

ALC Chief Executive Michael Kilgariff says, “The challenge remains however to achieve this same level of national consistency across a raft of other issues, including vehicle standards, mass and loading and compliance and enforcement, including chain of responsibility,”

The Bill is currently planned to be entered into Queensland Parliament by the end of this year, but an amendment will follow in 2013, until then the group will continue to lobby for governments to minimise and ultimately eliminate any inconsistencies in regulations.

 “A national approach to the way in which hours are counted is an important part of the transport regulatory reform agenda and I am pleased both states have taken the necessary steps to see this reform come into fruition,” Kilgariff says.

Previously, drivers working under the Queensland and NSW system were exposed to breaches when crossing into Victoria or South Australia but in June this year Transport Ministers agreed to amend the time counting rules.

The key amendment sees that now all enforcement officers count time from the end of a major rest break to make sure drivers have complied with their fatigue management obligations.

Cannon Logistics are a Fatigue Management Accredited Organisation. We fully support this initiative and believe it will increase efficiency within the industry, but most importantly, the safety of our drivers and others on our roads.


Australian Logistics Council

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