Tag: transport

  • 23 Mar

    Benefits of Green Logistics

    Eco-friendly transportation is the way of the future. It’s not just an unrealistic ideal like it used to be, now it’s becoming a top priority for businesses in the transport industry.  Sustainability in logistics is important because the industry accounts for around 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions each year. Logistics businesses are making efforts […]

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  • 2 Feb

    3 Challenges in Logistics And How to Overcome Them

    The logistics industry in Australia has faced many challenges in the past year, due to natural disasters like floods, economic recessions, and the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there are some issues that occur again and again, year after year. In this blog, we’re sharing the top 3 challenges that the logistics industry faces for 2023 and […]

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  • 16 Dec

    How Artificial Intelligence Helps Refrigerated Transport Run Smoothly

    New technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) are changing the way the refrigerated transport industry operates and preparing it for the future.  AI has found its way into our everyday lives, from using voice recognition like Siri to play music to using chatbots to place orders or ask questions on websites. This has a flow-on effect […]

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  • 24 Nov

    How do Refrigerated Transport Companies Maintain their Vehicles?

    When you’re hiring a refrigerated transport company, you’ll want the best and most reputable option. This is because these companies not only ensure your goods arrive on time and in optimum condition, they also take steps to maintain their vehicles at their best.  In this blog, we’re sharing the steps that refrigerated transport companies take […]

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  • 29 Sep

    How to Train Logistics Warehouse Employees

    Are you looking for a way to improve your logistics company and its performance? A good place to start can be to ensure that all your employees have the right training.  Having an efficient and well-trained warehouse team can go a long way towards making your company more successful. It’s also not that hard to […]

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  • 15 Sep

    5 Logistics Blogs You Should Be Keeping Up With

    Wanting to keep up dated on all the latest trends in the logistics industry in Australia? Here’s some blogs that we think are worth checking out. Austrans Logistics Blog Austrans gives business owners and individuals the ability to work with reliable couriers at an affordable price. They provide bespoke shipping services across Australia. Their blog […]

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  • 22 Jul

    Ways Logistics Companies Can Reduce their Carbon Footprint

    From extreme weather events to rising sea levels, we are seeing the effects of climate change in our everyday lives. Some of these effects are caused by greenhouse gases and carbon emissions.  According to Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data, 14% of emissions are caused by transportation. This is because it takes a significant amount of […]

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  • 14 Jul

    Tips for Choosing the Right Logistics Company

    Are you running a business and looking for a way to get your fresh or frozen produce to your customers? If so, you’ll need to hire a reputable logistics company.  Choosing the right logistics company is crucial for protecting your business and ensuring your goods arrive in optimum condition.  Here’s some top tips for choosing […]

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  • 14 Jul

    July Produce Spotlight: What’s in Season

    As we head into the cooler months, you may be wondering what fresh produce is in season. In this blog, we’re sharing a spotlight on July fresh produce in Queensland.  Buying in season produce can bring you many benefits. Seasonal produce is: Fresher More flavoursome Healthier and more nutritious Affordable Sustainable Eco-friendly Seasonal produce can […]

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  • 9 Jun

    The Effects of Floods on Logistics Companies

    The recent floods in Queensland and New South Wales have brought big disruptions to the transport and logistics industry.  Floods can affect logistics companies in many ways, both during the event and in the cleaning-up stage afterwards. In this article, we’re sharing our insight into how floods affect logistics companies.  Disruptions As flood waters rise […]

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