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Professional and personalised customer service is how Cannon Logistics does business.
Quality Assurance systems improve the standard of safety and professionalism within our company.
Being Certified in Government and Industry related programs such as NHVAS Maintenance, NHVAS Fatigue and Safe Foods Cannon Logistics demonstrates their commitment to customer satisfaction. This is achieved through the application of continual improvement strategies and applicable regulatory requirements along with our Policies and Procedures.
This page has been designed so that you can read and learn more about each certification and to click on to the link to download and print a copy of our certificate for your files.
Please see Education – Customer Education section for copies of government body brochures that explain further.
NHVAS Maintenance Management
Maintenance Management Accreditation encourages heavy vehicle operators to take more responsibility for servicing their vehicles regularly and ensuring their vehicles are safe at all times. It helps to manage the business more efficiently and ensures vehicles are well maintained, partly because there will be reduced down time associated with breakdowns and annual inspections. It also leads to greater road safety.
The benefits can include:
- improvements in productivity and efficiency
- improved skills and accountability of drivers and mechanics
- reduced vehicle down time
- greater confidence in the condition of the firm’s vehicles
- increased vehicle life and lower maintenance costs
- improved driver morale
- better relationships with enforcement agencies
- reduced impact of enforcement
- improved safety.
- Benefits to the community include better and more consistent compliance with road safety standards.
NHVAS Basic Fatigue Management
The advantages of Basic Fatigue Certification to our business are to better manage fatigue using a risk management approach instead of regulated driving hours regime to enhance the operation of our road transport businesses.
The Basic Fatigue Certification comprises of documented assurance systems, policies, procedures and records that demonstrate management. Evaluations of the system are also in place to ensure compliance with agreed fatigue management standards are met at all times.
The advantages are:
- Drivers are more involved in understanding scheduling from their own training and hence ensure that their own fatigue management strategies are incorporated (such as preferred rest times, places and frequencies);
- Drivers are more likely to have sufficient time for the work at hand,
- Drivers are less likely to commence the trip already feeling tired;
- Drivers are less likely to feel fatigue-impaired while on a trip;
- Drivers are less likely to break the speed limit in order to meet a deadline.
Safe Food Certification
Cannon Logistics are Safe Food Certified which provides all drivers and staff with a Food Safety Program that ensures that the wholesomeness of meat and food products is maintained at all times.
The program is based on Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles, which form the basis of many quality assurance (QA) programs. HACCP is a system of checks and balances that assists in maintaining product quality and which also provides corrective action should faults be detected. Such a system not only helps to limit the number of things that can go wrong, and as such, save money, but also enhances customer confidence in a business.
The program meets the requirements for a Food Safety Program as required for accreditation under the Food Production (Safety) Act 2000.
Zipex Safe Food Accreditation Listing 2025 (Click to download)
Quality Policy Statement
The management and staff at Cannon Logistics recognise the importance of customer satisfaction and their role in protecting the environment and the health and safety of all staff and road users and the community.
As such, we are committed to implementing an integrated management system and to continually improve on it in order to help meet and exceed our customer’s and applicable legislative requirements as well as the health and safety of personnel.
We shall
- Do it right the first time;
- Supply a quality service by implementing safe operations;
- Ensure our customers expectations and needs are identified and met;
- Provide a productive and reliable service;
- Communicate our initiatives to our customers, suppliers and contractors and invite their contributions;
- Ensure the roadworthiness of all company vehicles is maintained;
- Ensure the mass limits of all company vehicles are monitored and maintained;
- Ensure that the relevant documents to support the program are forwarded to the appropriate person within 7 days of the documents being finalised.
- Meet all relevant regulation requirements.
To achieve this commitment we have established a Quality Compliance Program which includes NHVAS Maintenance and Fatigue Management along with Safe Food Certification.
Company OH&S Policy
Cannon Logistics is committed firstly to ensuring a safe and healthy working environment for all its employees. The health and welfare of all Cannon Logistics employees, contractors and visitors is of the highest priority in everything that the company partakes.
Cannon Logistics believes all work related injuries and property losses are preventable and that safety is good business. We consider that there is no more important factor in the undertaking of anyone’s job than prevention of injury or ill health to any people in its own workplaces or workplaces visited by Cannon Logistics employees.
- Comply with the requirements of relevant State, Territory and Commonwealth legislation and codes of practice, making adequate financial provisions to meet such requirements.
- The health, safety and welfare of all employees, subcontractors and the public is of the utmost importance to the company and we are committed to the prevention of injury and illness through the provision of a safe and healthy working environment.
- Provide the necessary information, instruction, training and adequate supervision to ensure the health and safety at work for all employees.
Maintain good general working conditions by the provision of adequate facilities. - Provide personal protection where appropriate including protective clothing and safety equipment and instruction in its use.
- Expects all managers, supervisors, employees and subcontractors to immediately correct or report hazards and unsafe work practices to their supervisor.
- Encourage joint consultation and participation between management and employees, to promote and maintain safety and freedom from risk to health.
Environment Statement
Cannon Logistics is committed to the environment and reducing our rate of carbon emissions. We believe climate change poses global social, environmental and economic risks and demands transformational change.
Our goal is to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions through improved business practices, environmentally friendly technologies and the behaviour of our people. A wide range of initiatives including:
- Eco Driving
- Aerodynamic vehicle design
- Electricity savings
- Fuel efficiency
- Regular maintenance on our vehicles
- Driver Training
- Employee awareness and communication in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and water savings are a priority. We investigate, evaluate and implement efficient environmental management initiatives throughout the company.
Personal Conduct & Courtesy of Employees
Our customers are the reason we are in business. Be courteous at all times. We insist that you do not involve yourself in any disputes with our (your) customers – remember that the customer is always right – even when they are not. Employees are to conduct themselves in a civil and inoffensive manner in their day to day dealings with the members of general public, police officers or state authorities. Report any disputes to your supervisor immediately.
Calls to the administration regarding driver behaviour will be carefully screened. If valid, the details will be recorded and responded to in writing and a copy will be placed on the driver’s file. The company will interview the driver concerned and after consultation decide what action, if any, should be taken.
The company will provide a congratulatory letter to the driver and place a copy on his employee file when complimentary calls are received.
Supporting the Industries that Support Us
19 Trade St Lytton Between 6:30am and 12pm
PO BOX 475 Cannon Hill Q 4170
P: +61 7 3396 1911
F: +61 7 3396 7586